Monday, April 22, 2013

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor, Unless you are Employed at thermotron

Downsizing Tom /Thermotron management training an over -payed-do nothing
30 years at thermotron

where as Mark lamers said "gee don't you know that "Good -people-don't work here "

Downsizing Tom /Thermotron an over -payed-do nothing - Cached


Thomas Bannach, EST Testing Solutions, Zeeland, -

Business Contact Information in Jigsaw's business directory. Jigsaw's business directory provides complete ...

tom bannach / got his training at thermotron/ GED ...
Tom Bannach is associated with Mammoth-Webco, Inc. with the role of Chief Information Officer. Tom Bannach has 7 known relationships including Stan Titcombe, Mike Campbell and Joel Burkel and is located in Holland, MI.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

thermotron careers GET required-- unless you are a "good" liar

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor, Unless you are Employed at thermotron

 Well thomas patterson is retiring-- yes after 30 years-- When he was at Thermotron -- and replaced Bob Wiley-- Daniel J O'keefe mandate of management directive

was when it cam time of a job evaluation "find some thing you can blame on the employee -- and make a BIG_DEAL-ABOUT IT--

Then tell the employee -- if they complain-- that they will look at his performance in 6 months -- to re evaluate them-- (but we won't really)

Thomas Patterson quit 1 year later -- when Daniel J  O'keefe did that to him--

Thomas Patterson said he didn't have "stupid" written on his forhead

BUT as you can see this was the beginning of Daniel J O'keefe demenstrating he was and still is a criminal psychopath --

But really-- as Thomas Bannach demstrated  who replaced thomas patterson--

Thomas Bannach said "

 it was A--OK to lie cheat defraud libel slander miss-lead 

, and assassinate the personal character--- because --  because all companies  are all corrupt

and thomas bannach proceeded to libel and slander and drum out his co-workers

About 36,500 results
  1. Everybody Hates Meg - Hellie88

    • by Hellie88
    • 11 months ago
    Everybody hates Meg. Och ja, jag är svensk :) Follow me on INSTAGRAM:
  2. Everybody Hates Meg 2 - Hellie88

    • by Hellie88
    • 5 months ago
    Everybody hates Meg. Family Guy. Follow me on INSTAGRAM: hellegson If you

The Eighth Commandment,

 You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor

 (unless you are employed at thermotron)

proclaims the splendor and the beauty of the truth.

 It is not often that we hear of the truth described in this way but consider how precious and essential a foundation the truth is for our lives. One of the dangers, when it comes to commandments is that we see them merely as prohibitions. So for example here, we might think, “

OK, I’m not supposed to lie.”

Well, yes, but the Commandment is more than that! It is an exhortation for us to love the truth, live the truth, and proclaim the truth. Let’s look at some of the implications and distinctions regarding this Commandment.

I. The first implication of the Eighth Commandment is that we should love the truth
, for it is of God and that we should seek to live the truth in our lives. The Catechism of the Catholic Church says,

Christians must be dedicated to the truth and live according to it. The Old Testament attests that God is the source of all truth. His Word is truth. His Law is truth. His “faithfulness endures to all generations.”[Ps 119:90; Prov 8:7; 2 Sam 7:28; Ps 119:142] Since God is “true,” the members of his people are called to live in the truth.

To follow Jesus is to live in “the Spirit of truth,” whom the Father sends in his name and who leads “into all the truth.”[Jn 16:13]

 To his disciples Jesus teaches the unconditional love of truth: “Let what you say be simply ‘Yes or No.’”[Mt 5:37] (Catechism 2465, 2466).

So, we are to witness to it by word and deed. This is particularly the case with the truth of our faith, the truth which has set us free.

This witness is a transmission of the faith in words and deeds.

 Witness is an act of justice that establishes the truth or makes it known. All Christians by the example of their lives and the witness of their word, wherever they live, have an obligation to manifest the new man which they have put on in Baptism and to reveal the power of the Holy Spirit by whom they were strengthened at Confirmation.

(Catechism 2472)

II. Put away falsehood –

Scripture bids us, Therefore, putting away falsehood, let every one speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another. (Eph 4:22-25) So the Eighth Commandment upholds the goodness and beauty of the truth, exhorts us to celebrate it and instructs that we must avoid all sins against the truth. There are numerous ways that the we can sin against the truth. It will be fruitful for us to consider them each in turn, along with some distinctions.

III. False Witness
- Nothing can be so injurious to individuals as to harm their good name or reputation. Without a good reputation it becomes difficult for an individual to successfully relate to and interact with others whether it be for business or merely at a personal level. Clearly, to bear false witness against someone is to harm their reputation and we are forbidden to do so.
In the technical sense, false witness is something which takes place in a court of law and since it is under oath it is also called perjury.

But it is also often the case that false witness is given in daily matters through lies, half truths, exaggeration, and the like. Clearly our call to love the truth and to respect the reputation of others forbids us engaging in such activities.

Respect for the reputation of others also forbids us from:

A. Rash judgement – assuming without sufficient foundation the moral fault of a neighbor

B. Detraction – disclosing an other’s faults and failings without a valid reason to others who did not know them

C. Calumny – imputing false defects to another with the knowledge that they are false.
Yet it is also possible to offend the truth by

D. Inappropriately praising others

E. By refusing to correct them when it is proper to do so.

F. Flattery distorts the truth when it falsely attributes certain good qualities or talents to another. This is usually done to ingratiate oneself to individuals or for some other ulterior motive(s).
Such behavior becomes particularly sinful when it confirms another in malicious acts or sinful conduct.

IV. Lying

A lie consists in speaking a falsehood with the intention of deceiving…Lying is the most direct offense against the truth. To lie is to speak or act against the truth in order to lead into error someone who has the right to know the truth. 

By injuring man’s relation to truth and to his neighbor, a lie offends against the fundamental relation of man and of his word to the Lord…The Lord denounces lying as the work of the devil: “You are of your father the devil, . . . there is no truth in him….he is a liar and the father of lies.” [Jn 8:44]….

By its very nature, lying is to be condemned. It is a profanation of speech, whereas the purpose of speech is to communicate known truth to others. The deliberate intention of leading a neighbor into error by saying things contrary to the truth constitutes a failure in justice and charity…

A lie does real violence to another. It affects his ability to know, which is a condition of every judgment and decision…Lying is destructive of society; it undermines trust…and tears apart the fabric of social relationships

(Catechism 2482-2485)

Acts of lying are sins from which we must repent. Lying is also a sin that demands reparation. That is to say, since lying causes actual harm and real damage. These damages must be repaired. The actual truth must be made known to those who deserve to know it. The reputations of others which have been harmed by the lie must also be restored.

V. Is lying always so evil?

The gravity of a lie is measured against the nature of the truth it deforms, the circumstances, the intentions of the one who lies, and the harm suffered by its victims. (Catechism 2484). Thus there are big lies and smaller ones. Nevertheless, it is always wrong to intentionally lie.

This includes so called “polite lies.” For example suppose a phone call comes in for someone in the household who has indicated a preference not to be disturbed just now. It is a lie to say, “She is not here.” Yet you could say, “She is not available now.” Other social situations are less simple! For example, if Mrs. Smith asks you, “Do you like my new hairstyle?” Suppose you do not. It is in fact wrong to say, “Yes, I like it.” Granted, we all feel a bit stuck in such situations! Perhaps we could answer truthfully but discreetly and say, “You look alright.” (Presuming that we do think so).

But wouldn’t it be nice if we actually felt secure enough either to indicate, charitably, our true feelings or to indicate our preference not to answer the question? Wouldn’t it be even nicer if our relationships with others were so based in sincerity and truth, that people both gave and expected honest answers? It is to this blessed state that the Lord points when he says, Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ (Mt 5:37).

VI. What about secrets?

– This reflection has thus far emphasized the goodness and the splendor of the truth as well as the importance of communicating that truth to others who need it. However, as the Catechism states:

The right to the communication of the truth is not unconditional..Fraternal love…requires us in concrete situations to judge whether or not it is appropriate to reveal the truth to someone who asks for it. The good and safety of others, respect for privacy, and the common good are sufficient reasons for being silent about what ought not be known or for making use of a discreet language.

The duty to avoid scandal often commands strict discretion. No one is bound to reveal the truth to someone who does not have the right to know it…Everyone should observe an appropriate reserve concerning persons’ private lives.

Those in charge of communications should maintain a fair balance between the requirements of the common good and respect for individual rights.
Interference by the media in the private lives of persons engaged in political or public activity is to be condemned to the extent that it infringes upon their privacy and freedom.
(Catechism 2488, 2489, 2492)

However, the fact that we are permitted, even obliged, to keep certain secrets and maintain discretion, does not mean that we are free simply to lie. For example we cannot say, “I don’t know anything about that” if we do. Neither can we make up false answers to requested information. When we must decline to give information that is properly to be kept secret, we must still remain truthful. We might say instead, “I am not free to discuss this matter with you now.” Or, “It would be inappropriate for me to comment on that.” Or, “Why don’t you ask him yourself?” Occasionally we may need to be more direct and say, “This is a private matter and not for you to know.”

VII. Are all secrets sacred?
– Thus secrecy and discretion are often proper. Here too however, absolutes must be avoided. Sometimes we are asked to keep secrets that we should not keep. For example, suppose someone confides in you that they intend to commit a serious crime, or bring harm to another? It would be wrong to keep such a secret.

Other things being equal secrets ought to be kept, save in exceptional cases where keeping the secret is bound to cause very grave harm to the one who confided it, to the one who received it, or to a third party, and where the very grave harm can be avoided only by divulging the truth. (Catechism 2491).

An exception to this is the seal of confession which may never be violated for any reason whatsoever: The sacramental seal is inviolable; therefore, it is a crime for a confessor in any way to betray a penitent by word or in any other manner or for any reason. (Catechism 2490).
VIII. On the Manner of speaking the truth
– That the truth should be celebrated and declared is surely an essential truth. However, one must not sever the declaration of truth from charity. An old Latin Motto says, veritatem in caritate (the truth, in charity). For the truth without love can bludgeon, or it can be something we use only to win an argument. Further, love without truth, is mere affirmation of others in often destructive tendencies, and really not love at all.
Yes, the truth should be spoken, but always in love. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect (1 Peter 3:15). An older priest once told me, “If your people really know you love them, you can tell them almost anything, even the hardest truths, and they will accept it.
Further truth often has a time it is best revealed. Jesus said, I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. (John 16:12-13) Where there is time, we often do well to lead people patiently, to the deeper truths in stages.
IX. Final thought
- Jesus has taught us that the truth will set us free (Jn 8:32). If this be the case then anything which distorts the truth leads to bondage. Thus the eighth commandment calls upon us to love the truth and to love one another by proclaiming the truth and witnessing to it in sincerity with mutual respect and love.
Here is an amazing illusion, a kind of visual “lie.” It is not a lie per se, since the illusionist makes it clear he is creating an illusion, and invites, dares, us to discover how he misleads our eyes. I must say this is a VERY good illusion

Monday, April 8, 2013

Thermotron - Donut Hell--Backstabbing bosses and callous co-workers

Backstabbing bosses and callous co-workers

by chota

How can I become an asshole in five easy steps?


Have you ever thought that deep down you really were not a nice person? If no, this guide probably is not for you.

If yes, congratulations, you're well on your way to becoming an Asshole!

If you follow these easy steps, you will be able to ensure that people think of you as an asshole, and not as a mere jerk, putz, loser or boor.

  1. The Simpsons - Donut Hell

    Homer sells his soul to the devil for a donut and is sent to the ironic punishment

Step One: Have Impossibly Refined Sensibilities

This is the most essential step to becoming an asshole, and probably the most difficult.

It requires an amount of study because you will need to know your field.

Faking is not an option; a fake will be held up as an object of scorn and as a pretentious moron, which is clearly not your objective.

I'd suggest specializing in a particular area, like food or music. While General Assholery is spectacularly impressive, it requires nearly a lifetime of study to properly attain.

Knowing your field means knowing it utterly; if you intend on being a Food Asshole, you'll not need to be able to instantly tell the difference between a good Chateau Lafaurie-Peyraguey and an indifferent Puligny-Montrachet, you'll need to be able to expound to your host or hostess on why the former would have been a much better choice to serve with dessert.

Step Two: Use Really Big Words

This is a much simpler step in your ascendance to Divine Asshole. All you'll need for this is a thesaurus and a dictionary.

Take some common place words and replace them with obscure ones, instead of "beauty" say "pulchritude", instead of "childish" say puerile.

Make certain that you are properly using your new obscure words; loudly correct anyone who uses them improperly.

Step Three: Choose Something To Hate

It doesn't matter what, as long as it is something almost universally loved. Don't hate the French if you're English.

Don't hate the Backstreet Boys or N'Sync, or you may be mistaken for a wit instead of an asshole. Whatever you do decide to hate, make sure you know enough about it to hate it properly, I'd suggest hating something in your field of expertise.

If you're a Food Asshole, hate Italian Cuisine, if you're a Music Asshole, try hating Mozart or The Beatles. Make sure that whatever you do hate, is common enough to come up in casual conversation; if you're an Art Asshole, don't hate Gustave Caillebotte, as it's hard to bring conversation repeatedly around to lesser-known impressionists.

Step Four: Always Manage To Turn Conversation Around To You

No matter what the topic of conversation is about, make sure you play a starring role in it. If someone is complaining about their hateful and psychotic ex-boyfriend, tell them all about your evil ex, who was way more evil and psychotic then theirs. If you don't have an ex, make one up.

If someone manages to mention something remotely related to your field of expertise, monopolize the conversation. If possible, turn the conversation back to the thing you chose to hate in Step Three and complain loudly about it.

Step Five: You Are Always Right, Be Secure In This

This is the culmination of your training as an asshole. Once you have mastered the first four steps, you are ready for this.

When someone decides to argue with you about the merits of the thing you hate in step 3, intellectually bludgeon them using the words you learned in step two.

This should not be especially difficult if the hated item is one in your area of expertise from step one. Resort to ad hominem attacks deriding your opponent's intelligence.

Don't be overly concerned about being clever, witty or eloquent; you are an asshole afterall, not a bitch. If you manage to win the argument either by logic and reason or by your opponent leaving in disgust; be an ungracious winner and taunt your fallen foe.


If you carefully adhere to the above steps, you will be a Supreme Asshole in no time.

While you may not have many friends,

you can be secure in the knowledge that being an asshole is always better than being a jerk or a loser;

they not only lack friends, they lack style.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Cartman Respect My Authoritah - South Park-- Thermotron is seeking candidates for a refrigeration/HVAC

  • Uploaded on Nov 5, 2010
    Cartman Respect My Authoritah - South Park
    Thermotron Industries 
    8 days ago
  • Thermotron Industries 
    9 days ago
  • Thermotron Industries 
    16 days ago
  • Thermotron Industries 
    23 days ago
  • Thermotron Industries 
    1 month ago
  • Thermotron Industries 
    1 month ago
  • Thermotron Industries 
    1 month ago
  • Thermotron Industries 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Thermotron Management training - "Oh man, I shot Marvin in the face!"

Service Technician -

 (US-CA-Los Angeles - 91335)

Minimum Education: Tech School and Ged

Job Type: Full Time

Email this job to yourself or to a friend | Job Match Test | Resume Guide


Click Here to Apply Online
Use your mechanical and refrigeration skills to install, repair, maintain and troubleshoot Thermotron

Test Chambers in a Los Angeles based territory.

We have great training and support for our service positions.

Visit our website for more information about our company and the equipment we manufacture.

Tamera Kennedy Thermotron Industries 
  291 Kollen Park Drive Holland, MI 49423Fax: 616-393-4796Phone: 
616-392-1491Click Here to Apply Online

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Bobby goes nuts: thermotron management training-- have you been bannached


so thomas bannach like to call his co-workers "Gay" -- i guess he was looking for some action!
 if not than---Thoman Bannach is a "Pervert" and bully

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